Main window

To start a new file (line) :

Click on "new" button (no. 5) to start creating a new file, where each file contains one line. Follow the help of "
new file" dialog box.
After creating a new file, it is recommended to write your tested material name (in field no. 4)
Then press enter to activate dose cell (no. 11) and put your first dose
press enter to activate input table. Fill first replicate then press enter to create next replicatedose and so on.
After editing all replicates click "OK" button (no. 13) then put the next dose
You can edit any treatment (dose) by double click on its row in the summary table or select it then click on "Edit" button (no. 14).

It is recommended to save your data in a file to be able to be recovered any time latter or to be able to be compared with other materials in relative studies.
A file can be recovered by clicking on "open" button. So you can edit and recalculate it.

After Finnish editing all treatments, click on "calculate" button (no. 17) to calculate your data.

You can also save some notes like experiment date, target pest or any other notes to be attached with the file. Use "
Notes sheet" in "file" menu to do that (menu no. 1.5).

LdP Line will exclude treatment in the following cases:

  1. If it revealed SD more than maximum accepted SD (no. 4 in a new file window)
  2. If first treatment (smallest dose) revealed less than 0.1% response.
  3. If last treatment (largest dose) revealed more than 99.9% response.

If the treatment wasn't first one and revealed less than 0.1% response it will be considered 0.1%.
If the treatment wasn't last one and revealed more than 99.9% response it will be considered 99.9%.
Although reaching these extreme ratios is very difficult (need more than 1000 individual per treatment, 1/1000 or 999/1000), it was considered.

1 File Menu: This menu contain:
  1. New file : to start a new file (line). = button no. 5.
  2. Open file : to open previous saved file. = button no. 6.
  3. Save file : to save the current file = button no. 8.
  4. Save as : allow to save the current file at different location by different name.
  5. Notes sheet : to present the notes sheet of current file which allow you to save some information or notes about your experiment to be attached with the file. (like date, target pest, tested material ,... or any other information)
  6. Options : to present options dialog box (allow you to change some of the file properties).
  7. Exit : to exit program.
2 Control menu: This menu contain:
  1. Finish editing (OK): to finish editing Current treatment (dose) and move its data to summary table. = button no. 12.
  2. Edit treatment : allow you to move the selected (highlighted) treatment from the summary table back to input table and reedit it. = button no. 13.
  3. Remove replicate : delete the selected replicate from input table. = button no. 14.
  4. clear input table : delete all data in input table. = button no. 15.
  5. Calculate : to calculate your data which tabulated in summary table and present the results. = button no. 16.
  6. Relative toxicity : Allow you to make comparison study among previous saved files (lines). = button no. 7.
3 Calculation menu: This menu contain:
  1. Probits conversions : present Probits conversions dialog box which can convert responded % to probit and reverse. It is also provide working probits and weighting coefficient.
  2. Control correction : allow you to make control correction according to Abbott, Schneider-Orelli, Sun-Shepard or Henderson & Tilton formulas.
  3. Prediction : allow you to make interpolation or extrapolation of any point on the log dos - probit line according to previously known 2 points or one point & slope.
4 Tested material name: A field to write and present tested material name.
5 New button: To start a new file (line).
6 Open button: To open previous saved file.
7 Import data: This button allows you to import data from text or excel file.
8 Relativ toxicity button: Allow you to make comparison study among previous saved files (lines).
9 Save button: To save the current file.
10 Help button: To display related help.
11 Dose field: A field to write dose, concentration or time ext...
12 Control check: Check it to consider current treatment as a control treatment.
Also if you leave zero value in dose field it will be considered as a control.
13 OK button: To finish editing Current treatment (dose) and move its data to summary table.
14 Edit button: Allow you to move the selected treatment from the summary table back to input table and edit it.
15 Remove replicate button: Delete the selected replicate from input table.
16 clear input table button: Delete all data in input table.
17 Calculate button: To calculate your data which tabulated in summary table and present the.
18 Total Total number of tested individuals.
19 SD Stander deviation of tested replicates in current treatment.

LdP Line page